With the concurrence of 36 professionals from 27 public sector organizations, foundations, academia and private sector, the third version of the Diploma in Big Data for Public Policies, taught by the GobLab UAI, began.
Big Data pro citizenship
May 3, 2019
With the attendance of 36 professionals from 27 public sector organizations, foundations, academia and private sector, the third version of the Diploma in Big Data for Public Policies began, taught by the GobLab UAI, a public innovation laboratory of the Government School, where their students will learn from new data analysis tools so that they can contribute to the modernization of the State and the resolution of social problems.
The focus of the Diploma is to show the intensive use of data as a new tool that allows innovation in the design and management of projects and policies for citizens, emphasizing the improvement of the decision-making process and the quality of products and services public that the State offers to people.
In this regard, the Director of the GobLab UAI, María Paz Hermosilla, stressed that “the program is already consolidated as a training alternative for social science professionals who do not know how to program but who want to learn advanced data analysis techniques to achieve public policies more effective.”
The welcome was held on Friday April 26 and Saturday April 27, which was marked by the talk of José Tomás Arenas, co-founder and General Manager of TeleDx.Org, who developed DART. DART is a technological solution that aims to prevent the most common cause of blindness in the adult population, diabetic retinopathy (DR), through a platform that automatically detects it in digital images and allows timely diagnosis via telemedicine.
The diploma will last 30 weeks and will be dictated by a teaching team that has training in Europe, the United States and Chile. At the end of this third version, there will be 98 professionals who have specialized in Big Data for public policies at the Adolfo Ibáñez University.